Solana completes project on Secure Mass Notification System for City of Calgary
Solana Networks has recently completed a project on Secure Mass Notification Systems for the City of Calgary. The City of Calgary is seeking alternate means of communication to notify its employees and the citizens of emergency and non-emergency incidents. As part of the study, Solana Networks conducted a needs assessment, interviewing various Lines of Business within the City as well as a survey of technology and vendors in the Mass Notification arena. Following a gap analysis, Solana provided recommendations to the City on one-way notification and alerting systems which would be of benefit to the City and citizens.
Solana Networks has strong background and expertise in the area of secure public alerting and mass notification systems having previously completed projects with Industry Canada, Province of Alberta, and a number of municipalities across Canada. The company is excited that many municipalities, universities and larger corporations across Canada are adopting Internet-based notification systems as a method of quickly notifying employees in a secure, non-intrusive and fast manner.